Looking for ways to reduce belly fat?Well losing belly fat is not at all easy and require consistent efforts and patience because of which a lot of people are not able to lose the stubborn fat around their belly.Belly fat can be unsightly and hard to get rid of, but it is an issue of more than just appearance. Carrying excessive weight in your midsection is risky, especially for men. A larger waist circumference (or the measurement around your midsection) puts you at a higher risk for a variety of chronic diseases including: diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea and even certain cancers (like colon or rectal cancer). You can reduce the amount of belly fat and the risks it poses by losing weight. Make a few dietary and lifestyle changes to help lose weight and support a healthy lifestyle.In this app we have included 15 exercises which u can do at home easily without using any other equipments. The app provides exercises as well as other necessary tips to reduce belly fat easily.We will add other information regularly which will help u achieve a healthy lifestyle.